9 Best InterviewBuddy Alternatives in 2025

Mangalprada Malay
Mangalprada Malay

InterviewBuddy has made its mark with personalized mock interviews across various industries. However, for those seeking different preparation methods or more tech-focused options, several alternatives offer unique features. This article explores four platforms that provide innovative approaches to interview preparation, from peer-to-peer practice to AI-powered coaching and anonymous expert sessions.

1. Skillora.ai


Skillora is an innovative AI-driven platform designed to help job seekers prepare for interviews across various roles and industries. Whether you're a student, professional, or career switcher, Skillora provides a realistic and adaptive interview practice environment tailored to your resume and job aspirations. The platform's AI interviewer offers instant feedback, helping you refine your responses and build confidence for real-world interviews.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Interview Scenarios: Access a wide range of interview scenarios for diverse positions, from entry-level to advanced roles.
  • Role-Specific Question Sets: Build expertise with questions tailored to specific job roles and industries.
  • Customizable Mock Interviews: Personalize your interview practice by adjusting settings such as industry, experience level, and difficulty.
  • Real-World Questions: Encounter up-to-date questions reflecting current industry trends to prepare effectively.
  • Dynamic Follow-Up Questions: Experience follow-up questions that challenge your critical thinking and response skills.
  • Instant Feedback and Example Answers: Receive immediate feedback on your responses and compare them with example answers for continuous improvement.

Try Skillora.ai for free

2. Huru.ai


It is an AI-powered video interview preparation app designed to help you ace your job interviews and land your dream job. Using Huru, you can get unlimited mock interviews tailored to your career position or any specific job post. You receive instant, personalized feedback on your answers, vocal delivery, and body language.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited Mock Interviews: Practice with realistic, job-specific questions.
  • Personalized AI Feedback: Get instant, actionable advice on content, delivery, and vocabulary.
  • Integration with Job Boards: Generate interview questions from job postings on LinkedIn, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, and Monster.
  • Extensive Question Library: Access of 20,000 mock interview questions covering diverse industries and roles.
  • Chrome Extension: Easily generate personalized interview questions from job postings.
  • Multi-Platform Availability: Available on Apple iOS, Android, and Google Chrome.

3. Final Round AI

final round ai

Final Round AI is a comprehensive suite of AI tools designed to assist job seekers in navigating the competitive job market. From resume building to real-time interview guidance, Final Round AI offers a holistic approach to interview preparation. The platform's AI-powered features ensure that candidates are well-prepared, confident, and ready to impress potential employers.

Key Features:

  • Interview Copilot: Provides real-time guidance during interviews, helping candidates respond effectively and confidently.
  • AI Resume Builder: Create an ATS-optimized resume with personalized suggestions tailored to your career goals.
  • AI Mock Interview: Engage in immersive mock interviews with industry-specific scenarios and real-time feedback.
  • Question Bank: Access a verified database of top interview questions with AI-empowered answers to optimize your preparation.
  • Interview Report: Receive detailed performance analysis and customized improvement recommendations after each mock interview session.
  • Career Coaching: Get expert advice on various career-related topics, including transitioning to new fields, resume optimization, and salary negotiation.

4. Interviewing.io


Interviewing.io is a cutting-edge platform that offers anonymous mock interviews with seasoned engineers from top-tier tech companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook. This innovative tool is designed to help aspiring tech professionals sharpen their interviewing skills and boost their confidence in a realistic, pressure-free environment.

Top Features:

  • Anonymous Sessions: The platform provides fully anonymous mock interviews, allowing candidates to focus solely on their performance without the anxiety of face-to-face interactions.
  • Expert Interviewers: Users are paired with senior engineers from FAANG and other leading tech companies, ensuring high-quality, industry-relevant practice sessions.
  • Diverse Interview Types: Interviewing.io offers a wide range of mock interview options, including algorithms and data structures, systems design, front-end engineering, and even engineering management.
  • Detailed Feedback: After each session, participants receive comprehensive, actionable feedback from their expert interviewer, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Customized Coaching Programs: For those targeting specific companies like Amazon, Google, or Facebook, the platform offers multi-session dedicated coaching with tailored lesson plans.

5. Yoodli


Yoodli is an innovative AI-driven platform designed to enhance communication skills across various professional scenarios, including sales pitches, work presentations, job interviews, and crucial conversations. This cutting-edge tool offers private, real-time, and judgment-free coaching to help users refine their speaking abilities and boost their confidence.

Top Features:

  • AI-Powered Feedback: Yoodli provides instant, detailed feedback on various aspects of communication, including conciseness, filler word usage, pacing, and more, helping users identify and improve specific areas of their speech.
  • Privacy and Security: The platform ensures that all practice sessions and speeches are private by default and visible only to the user, creating a safe environment for skill development.
  • Progress Tracking: Users can quantify their improvement over time through comprehensive metrics, allowing them to set goals and monitor their advancement in key communication areas.
  • Customizable Scenarios: Yoodli offers the flexibility to upload custom content such as PDFs, rubrics, and videos, enabling users to practice in scenarios tailored to their specific needs or industry requirements.
  • Expert-Built Content: Developed by world champions of public speaking, TED speakers, and thousands of speech coaches, Yoodli incorporates proven techniques and strategies for effective communication.

6. Sapia.ai


Sapia.ai leverages AI to offer an automated, low-pressure interview experience that allows candidates to showcase their true selves. By focusing on the whole person rather than just their CV, Sapia.ai helps companies find the perfect fit for their brand. The platform's chat and video interviews are designed to be stress-free and inclusive, ensuring every candidate feels seen and valued.

Key Features:

  • Automated Chat Interviews: Conduct asynchronous chat interviews that are untimed and stress-free.
  • Holistic Candidate Evaluation: Assess candidates based on personality traits, behavioral competencies, and communication skills.
  • Inclusive Hiring: Increase diversity hires and create an equitable hiring experience with unbiased AI assessments.
  • Personalized Coaching Insights: Provide candidates with personalized feedback and coaching insights post-interview.
  • Seamless Integration: It can integrate with your existing tech stack for quick and easy setup.

7. Talently.ai


Talently.ai offers AI-powered live, conversational interviews that provide real-time evaluations to identify top performers effortlessly. The platform eliminates the need for manual screening, making the recruiting process smarter and more efficient. Talently.ai is designed to handle interviews for any role globally, offering tailored questions and evaluations based on specific job descriptions.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time AI Interviews: Conduct automated interviews that emulate human interaction.
  • Detailed Candidate Scoring: Receive objective scores and actionable insights for precise decision-making.
  • Automated Scheduling: Streamline the interview process with automated scheduling.
  • Role-Specific Interviews: Tailor interviews to any job description from around the world.
  • Diverse Use Cases: Suitable for software agencies, campus hiring, internships, sales associates, and caregivers.
  • Scalable Solutions: Efficiently assess technical and non-technical skills, removing biases from the hiring process.

8. Interviewer.ai


Interviewer.AI is a state-of-the-art video recruiting software designed to make hiring more efficient and effective. By leveraging Generative AI and Explainable AI, it automates job descriptions, crafts relevant interview questions, and pre-screens and shortlists candidates. This platform is trusted by over 850 companies worldwide and recognized by leading publications.

Key Features:

  • Asynchronous AI Video Interviews: Screen candidates better and faster.
  • Generative AI: Automates job descriptions and interview questions.
  • Explainable AI: Provides transparent candidate assessments.
  • Content Relevancy Score: Accurately assesses job knowledge.
  • Comprehensive Evaluations: Analyzes psychological and technical factors.
  • Customer Stories: Positive testimonials from companies like The Trade Desk, Goama Games, and Tutlo.

9. Interview Warmup by Google

Interview Warmup by Google

Interview Warmup is a tool designed to help you prepare for your next interview by practicing key questions and gaining insights into your answers. Whether you're preparing for roles in Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, IT Support, Project Management, UX Design, or Cybersecurity, this tool has you covered.

Key Features:

  • Practice Key Questions: Get comfortable answering questions from industry experts.
  • Real-Time Transcription: Your answers are transcribed in real time.
  • Insights About Your Answers: See job-related terms, most-used words, and talking points.
  • Judgement-Free Zone: No grades, just insights to help you improve.

While InterviewBuddy excels in providing industry-specific mock interviews, the alternatives we've discussed offer diverse methods for interview preparation. From Sapia's practice tools to Yoodli's AI-driven communication feedback, each platform brings something unique to the table.

As you evaluate these options, consider your specific career goals, learning preferences, and the types of interviews you're likely to face. The ideal preparation tool should not only sharpen your interview skills but also boost your overall professional confidence and adaptability in various interview scenarios.

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As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, job seekers are turning to innovative tools to gain an edge in their interview preparation. While InterviewsBy.AI has made waves with its AI-powered approach, it's not the only player in this rapidly evolving field. In this article, we'll explore a range of alternative platforms that are revolutionizing interview preparation and the hiring process. From personalized mock interviews to real-time feedback systems, these tools offer unique features designed to boost confidence, sharpen skills, and increase success rates in job interviews.

Mangalprada Malay
Mangalprada Malay

10 Do's and Don'ts in Job Interviews

In today's competitive job market, landing an interview is only half the battle. How you conduct yourself during the interview can make or break your chances of securing that dream job. Understanding the do's and don'ts of job interviews is crucial for presenting yourself as the ideal candidate. This guide will walk you through the essential etiquette and best practices to help you ace your next interview.

Mangalprada Malay
Mangalprada Malay